Tuesday, February 1, 2011

"When art is taught well..."

When art is taught well, children are enthusiastic about learning; and when such is the case, art can influence the whole atmosphere of a school, and other fields of study seem to benefit by its good effects. Thinking becomes livelier, and children take a greater interest and pride both in their school and in themselves. School halls, classrooms, and the principal's office are changed from drab areas into places of real visual interest, and children proudly bring their parents to school to see exhibitions of work. Principals report a greater degree of cooperation not only among the children themselves but also among members of the teaching staff and between the public and the school. Most of all, successful teachers bring the student to believe that art matters. They also help parents understand why art is worth the time and money required, that it occupies a justifiable position in general education.

 Hurwitz, A., & Day, M. (2007). Children and their art: Methods for the elementary school (8th ed.).

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