Our fifth and sixth grade Morning Mindfulness group took advantage of this beautiful late-fall weather and took our practice outside. We took a 5 Senses walk around the school, trying to notice at least one thing for each sense. We didn't think we would find anything for taste, but we came across some parsley left over in the garden.
Before heading outside, we looked at the work of Andy Goldsworthy. We talked about how he creates art using entirely natural materials, then watches as nature takes its course. Goldsworthy spends hours creating meticulous works in nature, then watches as the tide comes in to wash away his work, or the sun melts the ice, or wind blows the leaves. Focus on the process of creating, rather than the product, is an important part of mindfulness. Mindfulness helps us be 'in the moment' as we work, rather than focused exclusively on the outcome. Here are some of Andy Goldsworthy's creations:
Click here to learn more about Andy Goldworthy and see more of his artwork.
Click here to see more student work inspired by Andy Goldsworthy.
Here is our Morning Mindfulness group's Nature Mandala:

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